Wednesday, 12th March 2025
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 138

Members of Club 9

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 9 minutes 59 seconds
Authority, Brian, Darklady, Jankonyex, MondSemmel, Nimrod
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Members of Club 19

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 19 minutes 59 seconds
aitch, arbor8, asal, astrokath, blivrail, Bretticus, camfitz, chairman, detuned, Fgnn, Filthy, Geoff, Grotmar, Helge, he_he, itchfizzix, jaku111, kmccabe64, Krazy, krusty7, Lisast, lkc0922, m2e, MartinT, martosss, matth314, Mizzle, MrTheMan, muhorka, Nilnist, oyvind, Para, ppeetteerr, pqg, prj, procrastinator, Psyho, pustekuche, puzzlescot, Puzzle_Maestro, qqwref, queenie, sandwichfeet, Stumpy, TAZ, ThomasTheMan, Tilps, tobiwan, tojejedno, Tonek, Tydela, tzukanion, Waldi, Zyntax
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Members of Club 29

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 29 minutes 59 seconds
ajd007, Ankora, annika, Anonyme, Ayla, babilon, bakpao, Bananaman, biohazard930, Blackthunder, bluedragonfly, bugs77, caelie, Canuck, cat, cauchy, cheesy, DarkTom, dave_l, dazdik, Dee, DJPohly, drnull, Dubtar, ephperson, espritka, EWQMinesweeper, faxman, flooser, fluffysheep, foilman, Fuzac, gadget1903, gazzawhite, gerg, GK101, Glinda24, Gotroch, grandma, GrapeApe, Gypsy, helend, HillBill, horst2104, huis, isomorphic, jamin, Janka, jasonharper, Jean, jennytoo, Jerkwhistle, JIMBOBJOE, jrzgrl422, JTM, kahlia, karzym, Kate, katja, kaz, kilgore, Kitty, Koszmarny, KrtekHonza, kwink, kyrka, leChe, LenWidleheyt, lizcalizy, mackokajka, MadPAM, majoru, mangiaenio, marisa23, mathmaniac, mattermaster, maz, mikey, Monday, monkeygirl, mucha, Nerdking, nevstyles, Nicknewf, Nis, nka, Nozzer, nutty, nycofox, Onion, pafcio123, Patrick, Pau, pburns1138, Pete, pieter, Pogisheck, poppinfresh, postfach91, psychman, ralphmelton, Ranoake, Rnghwdbcs, rrrob, sab, Sam, sasha23, Shogia, slutbitch, squido, stan, Stephen, Svenergy, sylwan112, Tall150, tammy_zee, tempura13, tesr, TheNiceFish, Trevor, ttsoftt, TurtlePi, WhyTheMoon, wpcbyron, xyphic
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Members of Club 39

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 39 minutes 59 seconds
aelena2000, alemack17, ali0004, Amanda, AmyR, Aradesh, arithonne, Astaedus, Awm, bablwicz, banare, beagle, Bear, Bine, BizzyM, braddad, brubakee, bts, burntsushi, Cage, Captain_Frisk, chlien, cini, CorporateWhore, cscrimge, Cucciolo, DeeEmmTee, didi, dolphycj, donaisabelle, eeyore, ekaerovets, envelope, Erick, Fayara, ferkel, fusto, gallisel, GaryS, gd, gg, glory_pk, hepzibah, hlebowitsh, hueylewis53, hught, jacobk, janmcs, janshigola, jbryan, Jena, jenicek, jenny, jhrdina, katiej76, kilgore17, KPNUTS, kti, LeadMagnet, lenea, manda, Marculonis21, marekcygan, mattzerah, meaw, mickytee, mikeseck, Milly, mirtina, Mr_Ed, MTB, MTBinDurham, muyyatin, Naivoj, nouse, onigame, paddum, pekos, penthf, pi_255, potatopack, Progman, PuzzleLover, puzzler, pweiss, Quietus, RadicalEdward26, RaDiCaLedward_26, Raylight, riccatti, righthand, rob, Rocket999999, rooney999, sabrewulf, SapphireBrand, SarahA, setapoux, shashlick, Shnirple, Skip, snakeeyes, So_Many_Pants, strozo, Suzanne1, SVLouie, Taoist, theboydoug, TheEarl, thesane, tilansia, tinali, tkolar, Tonta, towelboywsu, u8y7541, vanang, vtgeek, v_e_e_n_c_a, weedd, xjames, ZD
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Members of Club 49

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 49 minutes 59 seconds
Acorn, adhawkins, Andul, bhestertx, biohazard, Bjorn, boris, cakesbarca, Cemtas, chaos, Chrille, ChyronJay, Colleen, Dan, dawn2006, dougmal, fantom, FrenchyEve, hang9090, heavenesque, henmom1, hjs, jackie, jedgar, johnfrith, JonniM, jrost, jt, kch, KingofQuaoar, Kwon, lithui, lodenkamper, LoopGuy, louise, lrn2spl, Madla, MLZ, moonhermit, morl, naja, najav, oe2, ostergaard, pali7, Peacock, Ratrace, Robyn, scopperil, silkcut, Slopbucket, tamme, Tangle, tesia, thexale, uklancs, vindaloo, voomby, W4yneb0t, w_, yourhuckleberry, ziklen
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Members of Club 59

All 7 puzzles in one week solved within 59 minutes 59 seconds
agabum, alison, Angizia, BearScar, bekudno, Caca, calvo, carli, cezar, chem_441515, chezslater, coton, Crub, Dana, demiger, drooble, Ekaterin, em, endgame, fagd, fidinir, gypista, Hafka, harper, JMDW1988, Johnf, kibo, lollydee, MarcinAsia, MattKatt, Mjb99, mycroft, playdohheart, Propki, qingqou, rg, Richard, russell, sadgit, Shamir, signal, sue, syrsty, Teccrzy, tehgrisp, tmm, vidar, vs, wootsauce, Zaphod42
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