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Idle wonderings
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 607
Best Total: 16m 43s
Posted - 2006.08.30 04:54:51
I was doing the November 2005 beast last night and was thinking about what foilman said a while ago:
Originally Posted by foilman
This is the incredibly long-winded way my puzzles are designed:-
1) Draw a loop
2) Add a set of numbers (for symmetry) onto the grid and then see how solvable the puzzle is. During this stage I try every possible combination and pick the one that makes it "most solvable".
3) If not completely solvable, repeat step 2.
4) Start taking unnecessary number sets (again, for symmetry) off the board, unless that would make it "too difficult" based on my current difficulty settings.
5) Repeat step 4 until none can be removed.
I thought according to this an unnecessary number will not be given on a puzzle unless the puzzle is very hard otherwise.
Then i saw this in the puzzle:

I was just intrigued as to how it identifies which number are necessary etc.

I'm no trying to prove anything here, I'm just interested in how the puzzles are made.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1033
Best Total: 38m 17s
Posted - 2006.08.30 05:19:29
It sounds like it's there for symmetry of clue positions.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 607
Best Total: 16m 43s
Posted - 2006.08.30 06:59:38
Here's a link to the full puzzle: November 2005
I can't see any symmetry involving that 0.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6520
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2006.08.30 08:28:47
Its symmetrical with a 1 diagonally down from that area.

The puzzle is 180 degree rotationally symmetric.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3420
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2006.08.30 12:39:48
It's actually 90 degrees rotationally symmetrical, except for outside the central square region where that bit is only 180 degrees symmetrical. So the 0 is there because at least one of the other 3 numbers it's symmetrical with is required.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1033
Best Total: 38m 17s
Posted - 2006.08.30 23:30:16
foilman, is 90 degree rotational symmetry your standard, or do you use other symmetry patterns too?  Thanks.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3420
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2006.08.31 07:41:56
It's either that or mirrored at the moment. I can do other types, including completely random ones, but I decided the rotated or mirrored ones looked best.

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