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Today's puzzle (Friday, 30th March 2007)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 5686
Best Total: 9m 35s
Posted - 2007.03.30 06:08:08

stupid me can't see this:
Last edited by Jankonyex - 2007.03.30 08:28:09
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2251
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2007.03.30 07:54:10
On my screen that looks like this:


Doesn't mean a great deal to me...
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 216
Best Total: 1h 20m 26s
Posted - 2007.06.18 01:23:33
Smart me can't see anything in the weird punctuation. But what can't you see in the puzzle?

Is it that the question mark has to be an x?

I see the regions above and below the 3 on the left must be on opposite sides of the loop. Similarly, the two unknown sides of the other 3 must be opposite sides; thus the 2 must be on the same side of the loop as the square below it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 565
Best Total: 19m 12s
Posted - 2007.06.18 07:56:46
Originally Posted by rootbeer
Smart me can't see anything in the weird punctuation. But what can't you see in the puzzle?

Is it that the question mark has to be an x?

I see the regions above and below the 3 on the left must be on opposite sides of the loop. Similarly, the two unknown sides of the other 3 must be opposite sides; thus the 2 must be on the same side of the loop as the square below it.

Another way to look at the same argument is draw a circle through the 3x3 squares, so it crosses the 4 empty spaces adjacent to the 3s, 3 Xs and the ?.  I remember there's a rule mentioned that the number of lines intersecting the circle must be even; so that solves ?.

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