Friday, 7th February 2025
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 106
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User Puzzle #59, 26, 15
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 565
Best Total: 19m 12s
Posted - 2007.05.11 19:52:32

I am having a lot of trouble tackling ones with all 2's.  User puzzles #59, 26, 15 are three such puzzles.  Does anyone have tips on solving these ones?  Usually I have to make a guess which starts unraveling the puzzle but usually ends unfavourably.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 5686
Best Total: 9m 35s
Posted - 2007.05.12 03:05:01
this format make the hardest puzzle in the world by using close loop rule(because it has most solutions if there's no close loop rule, really a big bug). I think 6x6 is already enough for human so I make #22 and with devilish rating. So if you see a puzzle with mainly 2's, ignore is the best choice, just a bug formed by a rule made by a human.
So if a difficult puzzle by using rules other then close loop rule is made, it should be a very great puzzle!

It's easy if you assume this puzzle's solution is unique,
it's hard if you want to prove for its uniqueness.

where is it?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 565
Best Total: 19m 12s
Posted - 2007.05.12 08:14:42
The two latter puzzles were actually #25 and #22 (both yours, Jankonyex).  They are also puzzles with all 2's.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 565
Best Total: 19m 12s
Posted - 2007.05.12 08:16:19
Jankonyex, can you describe what is the "closed-loop rule" you are referring to?  I can guess it has got to do with not closing a loop too early... is there anything more to elaborate?

Thanks again.

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