Friday, 7th February 2025
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 106
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Stable Ratings
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 521
Best Total: 35m 11s
Posted - 2008.02.07 09:54:07
I found this when I searched my nick in Google.
Does anyone know what it means ? (I expect Tilps to answer...)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6798
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2008.02.25 05:17:35
Heh, I was for a while using a program to generate 'chess like' ratings by analyzing the times recorded each day.  I had several different ways for generating the ratings I was trying out, stable was based only on puzzles solved over 7 days ago.

However, I rebuilt my computer sometime last year and never started the program up again, so the ratings have not been updated in a very long time.

I should really finish converting it to work on Mono, so that I can leave it running on the same machine which serves the web page as a startup service.
Last edited by Tilps - 2008.02.25 05:21:23

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