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puzzle rating systems?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6737
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2008.02.29 13:53:03
'Large fonts' is a microsoft term for raising the logical DPI.  Usually it is done because the physical DPI is also higher than average.
If your 1680x1050 resolution happens to be a 15inch laptop monitor then you would have a high physical DPI and would need to use 'large fonts' for your fonts to appear the same size the default setting does with 1920x1200 on a 24 inch monitor.
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 314
Best Total: 33m 50s
Posted - 2008.02.29 14:55:10
My monitor is a 22" wide screen.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6737
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2008.03.01 04:04:14
Could you try beta 32 and tell me if it has improved things?
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 314
Best Total: 33m 50s
Posted - 2008.03.01 08:02:02
Beta32 works perfectly I can see the initial value 0.5 for the first time. Thank you.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6737
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2008.03.01 11:04:43
If beta 32 has fixed it, you must have non-standard dpi.  What I did isn't recommended practice for supporting non-standard dpi, but apparently the recommended practice just doesn't work.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6737
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2008.03.04 21:42:22
Out of curiosity, have you tried rating your puzzles by '% unsolved without using exploration'?
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