Saturday, 8th February 2025
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Kwon-Tom Loop - the "flash" version
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3689
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2012.01.10 09:35:54
Thanks! I'll have a look at what I can do about the things you spotted at some point... (though don't hold your breath - I rarely even get a chance to visit here these days let alone rebuild the code!)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1200
Best Total: 25m 13s
Posted - 2012.01.10 10:23:44

fixed yet? damn I give up. breathing is just too enjoyable

The last 1% of a job takes 99% of the time. You should be really proud of this website, and I COMPLETELY understand not having time for the final 1%. I certainly wouldn't, especially since I don't see any ads or revenue sources around here! Way to go (foil)man. I love websites like this that are done solely for the sake of doing it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6604
Best Total: 13m 6s
Posted - 2012.01.12 00:12:37
Originally Posted by poppinfresh

• After solving a practise puzzle or a beast of the month, there is a "Kwon-Tom Wrong" button that leads nowhere (happens for the Flash solver only).

This bug doesn't happen to me. I've never seen a "wrong" for anything but the daily puzzles.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1200
Best Total: 25m 13s
Posted - 2012.01.13 10:35:37
I wasn't very clear!

If you go to, let's say
and then solve the puzzle (Practise puzzle 1), there will be NO "wrong" request DIRECTLY after solving it. But then go back to the same webpage/puzzle and there will be a button for it. Same thing for the beast of the month.

I might still be the only one experiencing this minor bug, but at least now I have been clear in describing it!
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