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Is something wrong with the archived Beasts?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1066
Best Total: 34m 35s
Posted - 2008.04.21 18:01:48
When I try to view any old beast I get:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare ....
Last edited by foilman - 2008.04.22 07:40:08
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3503
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2008.04.22 07:40:23
Should be fixed now...

Oh, and if you're using the "Flash" version of the puzzle solver, you'll now be able to attempt the beasts here in your browser instead of having to print them off or use other applications.
Last edited by foilman - 2008.04.22 07:56:26

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