Uterni ploty - postup (Tuesday, 30th December 2008) | Gotroch Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 5294 Best Total: 20m 50s | Posted - 2009.01.01 20:19:06 Tady je ten slibeny postup.. Budu postupne uvadet obrazky tak jak jsem lustil. Jen je skoda, ze tu nejdou barvicky s nima by to slo o hodne lip. Radky budu znacit ABCDEFGHIJ, sloupce 1234567890, polohu cary/krizku pak SVJZ(sever, vychod, jih, zapad)
Zacatek je snad jasny, dal si vsimnete otazniku, ty znaci dalsi postup.
H1-Z je jasny, bude tam, krizek, kdyby tam byla cara, tak nedame dvojku na I1 C0-JZ u teto jednicky nemuze byt cara, jinak dostanem u B0-VJ krizky a vznikne roh smerujici do trojky A9 A9-Z nemuze byt krizek, jinak roh plotove trojky vynuti roh u dvojky na B0 a nasledne nam plot skonci v pravem rohu tabulky.
Takze dostaneme tohle:
Dalsi krok je A7-V krizek a B7-V krizek.. Potom se pouzije vzorecek s 2 a 3 vedle sebe, uz jsem ho kdysi psal.. je to tenhle vzorec: ---- Zbyle otaznicky nahore jsou jasne.. takze dostaneme radu cervenych policek az k pravemu kraji. U trojky na DB musi byt roh tam kde jsou otazniky, jinak nevytocime dvojku.. to je taky vzorec.. Jeste jsem pridal D6-S je cara... jinak by vznikl trojpolickovy uzvareny okruh
Ted bude prvni barvickova finta.. trojka na D6 je cervena, E4 zluta. Nemuzeme dat D6-JZ oboji cary protoze pak nam vznikne zluta E5, vedle zlute E4, ale pritom oddelene carou. Z toho vyplyva D6-V je cara. Diky tomuto a barvickam jsme schopni dodelat horni cast ulohy.
D9 roh u dvojky musi smerovat dovnitr, jinak mame 4polickovy uzavreny okruh. E4-V nemuze byt cara, jinak dostaneme dve cary u jednicky E6 Dostaneme tohle:
H3 musi byt cervene, jinak mame u dvojky na G5 tricervene policka. Dal je H5 cervene a G6 zlute
E8-Z nemuze byt cara, jinak bude ostrov
G0-Z a I7-V jsou stejne.. Pokud jsou tam cary dostaneme podle barev H0 cervene, J8 cervene a u jednicky I0-JZ krizky, coz nam ale da u dvojky na I9 pomer barevnych stran 3:1.. takze spor.. Je to vlastne tip, ktery jde ale dobre videt pres barvy.. Takze G0-Z a I7-V jsou krizky.
Zbytek jde snadno vyresit
Last edited by Gotroch - 2009.01.01 22:13:32 | Jankonyex Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 5680 Best Total: 9m 35s | Posted - 2009.01.02 07:55:49 my solution: http://www.hkedcity.net/sch_files/a/hp/hp-0210481/public_html/2454831
Edit: and you should know what's an "odd 2" http://www.kwontomloop.com/forum.php?a=topic&topic_id=100&pg=4
Last edited by Jankonyex - 2009.01.02 07:58:47 | Ankora Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 3102 Best Total: 22m 25s | Posted - 2009.01.03 18:40:09 Mohli by ste mi niekto vysvetliť, čo mám robiť s tým výstupom od jankonyexa? A čo píše s tou nepárnou dvojkou?? | babilon Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 5200 Best Total: 20m 11s | Posted - 2009.01.04 11:29:22 Toho jankonyexa taky nechápu, ale nápovědu k dvojkám bych měl. Na prvním obrázku od Gotrocha má dvojka na I1 jen dvě možnosti: SZ nebo JV, tedy z JZ rohu dvojky musím jít dolů. Podobně na druhém obrázku dvojka na D9 má dvě možnosti, a tedy musí být čára E0-JV. | MadPAM Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 735 Best Total: 29m 3s | Posted - 2009.01.09 11:24:49 I would love to see what this post actually says - I could probably learn something from it. But unfortunately I cannot understand what is written here. Is it just my feeling or do others also find it inappropriate to post in non-english in an english speaking forum? It seems like information is just going one-way - away from the english speakers. Please don't misunderstand me. I am also a non-english native speaker. But the language of this forum is english and if you talk about Slitherlink related issues, I believe you should be posting in english. It is, in my opinion, the idea of a community like this: to share information about our common hobby. But if the information can only be understood by a few, it works against the idea. But of course I have no authority here - therefore I am asking you out of courtesy for your fellow Slitherers to post in english - if you are talking about Slitherlink. | MondSemmel Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6159 Best Total: 7m 47s | Posted - 2009.01.09 20:38:00
Quote: Originally Posted by madpam I would love to see what this post actually says - I could probably learn something from it. But unfortunately I cannot understand what is written here. Is it just my feeling or do others also find it inappropriate to post in non-english in an english speaking forum? It seems like information is just going one-way - away from the english speakers. Please don't misunderstand me. I am also a non-english native speaker. But the language of this forum is english and if you talk about Slitherlink related issues, I believe you should be posting in english. It is, in my opinion, the idea of a community like this: to share information about our common hobby. But if the information can only be understood by a few, it works against the idea. But of course I have no authority here - therefore I am asking you out of courtesy for your fellow Slitherers to post in english - if you are talking about Slitherlink. |
I agree completely - I feel similarly whenever I see posts in other languages in English-speaking forums. I'm not a native speaker, either, but I actively refuse attempts of other posters of my language (German) to post in their language on English forums. Private messages are an entirely different matter, but if you post something for everyone to see, then it should also be available for everyone to read.
I'll second this request - please write in English. If we understand what you say, we might even be able to help you (actually, considering how much time I spend on the archives of this website, I'd be embarrassed if I couldn't^^) or learn from you . | Gotroch Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 5294 Best Total: 20m 50s | Posted - 2009.01.09 22:21:15
Quote: Originally Posted by madpam I would love to see what this post actually says - I could probably learn something from it. But unfortunately I cannot understand what is written here. Is it just my feeling or do others also find it inappropriate to post in non-english in an english speaking forum? It seems like information is just going one-way - away from the english speakers. Please don't misunderstand me. I am also a non-english native speaker. But the language of this forum is english and if you talk about Slitherlink related issues, I believe you should be posting in english. It is, in my opinion, the idea of a community like this: to share information about our common hobby. But if the information can only be understood by a few, it works against the idea. But of course I have no authority here - therefore I am asking you out of courtesy for your fellow Slitherers to post in english - if you are talking about Slitherlink. |
Hi MadPAM, I would like to explain why my post here is written in Czech language. I guess you have noticed that we have special forum topic, called "Club FED-Sudoku". Because not all of us Czechs are able to speak English, we are using Czech language there. I wanted to share my solution of Tuesday puzzle with my Czech friends and I would do it in our Czech topic, but I could't just post it there. Because that puzzle was still part of competition week, I had to create a new topic to ensure only people who already completed the puzzle can read it..
So I hope now you understand why my post is not written in English language. | Para Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 1923 Best Total: 19m 28s | Posted - 2009.01.10 04:54:20 Hi
I think all Pam i asking is if the next time you do it you could do it in both English and Czech. I mean you're doing it in czech to help czech speakers who don't speak English to be able to read it. but there are far more people who speak english who don't speak czech who might also want to understand it. Now it's like you only want some people to understand it. I mean I'm s native Dutch speaker and whenever I want people who speak Dutch, but aren't fluent in English to udnerstand it I woud include a second dutch translation, so they can also understand it. Not just make a Dutch translation so the few people who speak Dutch can understand it and the rest not. Obviously your English is good enough to do so.
Para |