Wednesday, 4th December 2024
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 107
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Hardest puzzle for each day of the week
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3477
Best Total: 19m 5s
Posted - 2009.01.20 22:46:33
Since I've done all the puzzles now, I'm going back, trying to improve my times on each. (Jeez, get a life!)

Anyway, what is the hardest puzzle for each day of the week?

I'll start by suggesting

Monday 15th August 2005. Seems more like a friday puzzle than a Monday to me...
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6540
Best Total: 13m 6s
Posted - 2009.01.31 02:56:00
I'll admit that's a little harder than a typical Monday puzzle. I'd rank that at a Tuesday or Wednesday.

But overall that puzzle is still pretty easy, especially compared to the Friday ones.

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