Monday, 16th September 2024
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 90
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Youtube #3 - Five Videos
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.01.11 14:24:10
Hello again;
I've recorded all puzzles I did since 29.12.09; I uploaded the puzzles for 31.12.09 and 01.01.10 late (although I did record them during the weekly challenge) and the rest of the videos until 07.01.10 are already uploaded. Assuming I've done it correctly, you shouldn't be able to watch videos which are still within the 1 week time frame - they are already uploaded but set to "private" so nobody can view them until I change it back (when the week is over).
01.01.10 - I only had a good time because I tried a rather risky exploration (i.e. trial & error). Can you spot it? (It's a single line; the rest is pure deduction - including highlander logic.)
02.01.10 - everything past the ~second minute mark is exploration - first unsuccessful, then succesful. I think this shows well how much of a puzzle can essentially be solved without any explorations (that is, more or less automatically). Once I'm stuck at such a position, my speed slows considerably, even if my first exploration is succesful.
03.01.10 - explorations on the right side of the puzzle, none on the left.

Oh, and the reason I was late with uploading the first two videos and with posting this thread was mainly because I tried recording my first beast size puzzle - and it was an epic failure (the recording, not the solving). I solved the January Beast in <15 minutes (a new best for me, I think) but the video was both much too big and complete garbage (i.e. strange errors every few seconds with images layered upon each other)...
Last edited by MondSemmel - 2010.01.11 14:36:57
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2010.01.13 18:23:54
Christ... That's like watching the highlights of me doing a puzzle.

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