Friday, 3rd January 2025
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Youtube #4 - Ten Videos (all viewable)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.01.15 19:46:11

I've already solved and uploaded all seven videos for this week - of course, they aren't watchable until they are no longer part of the weekly challenge, but I thought I should probably already create this thread in case I forget it later.
Two issues: One, I had Windows Update running in the background, so in case you are wondering about the occasional popup: It's the German version of the English popup which says something like "Windows updates were successful - do you want to restart your computer now or later?". They didn't slow me down, though.
Two, I'm still having some problems with video capturing - nothing major, but I'm always open for suggestions. Specifically, all my video players slow to a crawl when displaying the videos so a 30 second solution takes a minute to display - strange problem, but it makes the solutions look quite slow. For some reason, though, YouTube doesn't have this problem, so you'll probably never notice it.

In any case, here are the puzzles from 09.01.10 to 15.01.10. As mentioned above, none of them will become accessible until they are no longer part of the weekly challenge.



EDIT: Oh, and if you only rarely look in the forums, you can obviously also subscribe to my YouTube channel here. It doesn't really matter, though - I'll regularly post threads here, too.

EDIT 2: I noticed that I forgot to link anywhere to the first three videos (5.01.-07.01.), so I've added them to this thread. In addition, all the videos in this thread are now viewable.
Last edited by MondSemmel - 2010.01.22 12:56:07
Kwon-Tom Fan
Puzzles: 35
Posted - 2010.01.16 08:32:34
What size and format are your movie files?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.01.21 04:10:13
Puzzles 9.01. through 14.01. are now set to viewable; I've also noticed that I forgot to link to 5.01. - 07.01. so here they are:


Note that I didn't upload 08.01.10 because my solution to it simply sucked - it was no educational or interesting video, so I deleted it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.01.21 04:19:30
Originally Posted by Differ
What size and format are your movie files?

I use CamStudio (; freeware) to record the videos; I haven't experimented with the settings so there's probably much room for improvement, but right now the settings are: Format: "Microsoft Video 1" (whatever that means; it's .avi in any case - not that it matters much once you've uploaded your file to YouTube), quality 61/100 (could probably be set lower, but file size is already okay at that quality setting).
Size...well, since I try to limit the recorded area to the puzzle itself and its timer, and the videos don't really last longer than 4 minutes, the videos don't get that big. Weekday puzzles are a few MB (say, 10?) and Weekend puzzles a lot more (40?) but still doable. The only time I tried to record a beast size puzzle, the file was something like 700 MB and the video was completely unwatchable garbage...
(Actually, I'm not entirely sure about video sizes; I'll look at them again next time I record new videos. And in any case, there's much room for improvement in video size - nothing except the timer and the area around the cursor ever changes in the video, so with the correct codec, that should further decrease video size quite a bit.)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.01.21 19:50:49
Oh wow, I was really wrong about video sizes...the videos for the current weekend puzzles (which last 2:35 and 2:49; I haven't uploaded them yet, though) are 91.6 and 95.7 MB respectively. Short weekday puzzles (e.g. with video length of 36 seconds) are only ~5 MB, but this week's Wednesday puzzle video lasts 1:49 and is ~21 MB...
In any case, these sizes are still quite managable - besides, you can obviously delete the files once you've uploaded them to YouTube or some over video host. They are NOT managable for beast size puzzles (which, in addition to all other problems, also last longer than the YouTube limit of 10 minutes), but a good codec should at least get their video sizes down to managable levels. After all, the videos could technically be turned black & white or grayscale without losing any important information, etc...
Last edited by MondSemmel - 2010.01.21 19:51:17

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