Masyu please! |
Brian Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 4911 Best Total: 9m 6s | Posted - 2010.06.23 13:24:41 Tried it again just now, without downgrading (I only restarted firefox), and it works perfectly. I really have no idea what's going on, sorry I can't be more helpful. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2010.06.24 01:02:38 Maybe some kind of memory leak causing firefox to start swapping, causing serious delays in processing your input, leading to unexpected results.
On a different topic, I've had something come up so it doesn't look like I'll get any progress on Twist'N'Turn this week.
Last edited by Tilps - 2010.06.24 01:03:38 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2010.06.28 02:34:08 Been busy so I forgot to upload the next weeks puzzles - they are up now. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2010.07.19 01:36:54 Still busy - didn't expect to still be in this years topcoder at this point! It appears I rebooted the backend server without reconfiguring my internal network - so all backend requiring features of Twist are down for the moment. I think I might leave them that way until I get more time to get this website beyond alpha quality. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.17 05:58:06 So, its so long ago, since I last worked on this that I had forgotten that I ever had a server running...
But I've resurrected the basics using to output html/javascript - can generate and play puzzles. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.17 08:42:28 So, I finally did something I've wanted to do for ages - added a grid type other than square to TwistNTurn. If you've used LoopDeLoop maybe you've seen Hexagon3 before. Maybe you even noticed that every intersection other than the outer edges has 4 edges... Which means its perfectly viable for TwistNTurn type puzzles.
Note that the default size is currently 4x4 for Hexagon3, and that takes a while to generate. I do not suggest anything larger at this point... The particular nature of Hexagon3 I think makes the trick I use on square grids to increase the chance that a line is soluable less effective. |
Authority Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 3329 Best Total: 9m 56s | Posted - 2017.07.16 06:01:45
Quote: Originally Posted by Tilps So, I finally did something I've wanted to do for ages - added a grid type other than square to TwistNTurn. If you've used LoopDeLoop maybe you've seen Hexagon3 before. Maybe you even noticed that every intersection other than the outer edges has 4 edges... Which means its perfectly viable for TwistNTurn type puzzles.
Note that the default size is currently 4x4 for Hexagon3, and that takes a while to generate. I do not suggest anything larger at this point... The particular nature of Hexagon3 I think makes the trick I use on square grids to increase the chance that a line is soluable less effective. |
Those hexagonal puzzles are really mind-bending. Hard to tell at a glance where you've gone wrong. Like with slitherlinks, I think I prefer the normal square grid. Still very interesting though! You are definitely the first to do something like that with masyus.
If anyone is interested, you can check out my masyu program here: Masyu. |