Friday, 3rd January 2025
Puzzles Solved Yesterday: 141
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Beating best times on old puzzles.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1923
Best Total: 19m 28s
Posted - 2010.09.23 18:39:50
I've been catching up on puzzles from before I started in the archives and now I've done 2 times on weekend puzzles which are far below my records. Too bad those don't count for my stats. My records for saturday and sunday are 4:43 and 4:48 and I got times of 3:43 and 4:09 which is quite a gap with my records. Never thought I'd be able to pull off those times. Also managed to get a tuesday time under a minute. Never done that before in an official puzzle, only had a monday and thursday. At least it gives me hope I still have room to improve. Just wondering if those earlier puzzles are easier or if I was just really good through those puzzles.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2010.09.23 20:46:16
Remember that the flash solver wasn't implemented until some time in 2008 (I'm not sure about the exact time.). Once everybody got used to it, the flash solver made solving puzzles a lot faster.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1923
Best Total: 19m 28s
Posted - 2010.09.23 20:59:42
I meant beating my own records I set with the flash solver(the ones shown in statistics), not the best times set by the fastest player for that day. I know that those fastest times are a lot slower than nowadays, also partly because it was newer, not all patterns were generally known and there was no flash solver.
I just found it miraculous to be able to go close to the 4 minute and under 4 minutes when I've only gone under 5 minutes before twice.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3653
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2010.09.30 09:44:43
I had a poke around in the database and found that the puzzle you got your 3:43 time on was indeed a very easy one. I think sometime after that, I adjusted the weekend puzzle generator to not come up with such easy ones (it was equivalent to a large Monday puzzle really). So, well spotted, they did use to be easier!
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1923
Best Total: 19m 28s
Posted - 2010.10.01 17:50:00
I kinda had the feeling it might have been easier as I had no idea I was going really fast when I was solving it. If anyone wants to try those puzzles, the 3:43 time I got on the February 5th, 2006 puzzle, the 4:09 on the January 28th 2006 puzzle.

Well I again beat a personal record today on todays puzzle. Got a bit lucky though, made a logic flaw which turned out to be good. Resolved it after I saw how far ahead I was of others times at that moment, thought I might have made a logic flaw because otherwise other people would have been closer to me. Figured out that there was one point where I thought there was only one way to draw it, there were actually 2.

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