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Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1293
Best Total: 20m 57s
Posted - 2012.07.27 03:57:01
I have found the click and drag function in the flash solver very handy (as I assume many others have as well), but I also find useful the right click x's in the older solver. I was wondering if it would be easy (or even possible) to put both of these tools into one solver, or am I the only one who still uses x's at all?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 761
Best Total: 45m 59s
Posted - 2012.07.27 04:34:13
I'm slowly training my non-mouse hand to hold down the shift key when I want x's and not hold it down when I want lines.  I realize the fast people don't use x's that often, and I'm trying to not use them on Monday's, but I find it necessary for the harder puzzles to at least put in a few.

I'm not sure, but I don't think you get the other mouse buttons in flash.

I also hold the shift key down when I want to erase lines (as opposed to double clicking), but if I do that too often, I find I get confused and make a mess.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 5369
Best Total: 9m 37s
Posted - 2012.07.27 04:55:38
It used to be that Flash reserved right-clicking for a context menu, but from what I hear, an actual right-click event was recently added to Flash, so this shouldn't be hard to add now.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2012.07.27 06:29:49
Originally Posted by LoopGuy
I realize the fast people don't use x's that often, and I'm trying to not use them on Monday's, but I find it necessary for the harder puzzles to at least put in a few.

When I started out, I used to think that, too, but I don't necessarily believe that anymore.
I almost forgot this existed, but if you are interested, 2.5 years ago, I posted 35 videos of me solving kwontomloop puzzles here.
I'm not sure whether this will be any useful to you; I'm just mentioning this because I _don't_ restrict my use of crosses that much, really.

Concerning this topic: I'm so glad Flash finally backed away from the stupid, stupid, stupid "right-clicking is reserved for our inane Flash menu" restriction. I'm probably too used to the current mechanic (hold left shift to place X's) to switch easily, but if it's not too much trouble for foilman to implement, I'd love to have that option.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 761
Best Total: 45m 59s
Posted - 2012.07.27 07:37:27
Originally Posted by MondSemmel
Originally Posted by LoopGuy
I realize the fast people don't use x's that often, and I'm trying to not use them on Monday's, but I find it necessary for the harder puzzles to at least put in a few.

When I started out, I used to think that, too, but I don't necessarily believe that anymore.

That was very useful (and amazing).  Thanks.

Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1293
Best Total: 20m 57s
Posted - 2012.07.28 05:41:50
Yes, thanks for the input. I was unaware both that you still use x's to some degree and that the shift key could be used to draw them. Thanks.

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