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New Slitherlink Generator/Site
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 5466
Best Total: 13m 24s
Posted - 2013.08.07 09:47:49
Yes, Janko is a very good one. There's also an option for English language. The number of puzzles in different genres is large and the applets for most puzzles are great. For some reason, the slitherlink app is awful: there's no dragging option and the clicking produces
easily sideclicks.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6423
Best Total: 13m 6s
Posted - 2013.08.07 16:26:17
Yeah I love the sheer number of puzzles and types at janko. I haven't tried the Kakuro ones there because I've gotten lost playing some of the other ones.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3329
Best Total: 9m 56s
Posted - 2013.08.19 18:25:22
Since some of you seemed interested, I'm posting here my WIP Kakuro Generator. It's hosted on my brother's site for now, but I think I'll probably register a domain for it once I iron out the bugs and add more features. Maybe even a daily kakuro contest similar to what we have here for slitherlink.

It's another Java applet, so be sure to activate that if you want to use this. There's a limit of 500 cells, so 22 by 22 is the max if you like square puzzles. The lower limit for width or height is 6. The hard setting can take a while on the higher sizes, but for medium and easy it's mostly pretty quick, especially under 200 cells.

The interface should be easy to figure out. Left click a cell and either type a number or click a number button on the bar. The active cell can be moved with the arrow keys. Right click or shift will put it into candidate mode, which acts the same way but lets you put multiple numbers into a cell.

Anyway, if you care to you can let me know what you think of the difficulty levels (the easy setting is probably too hard) or the interface or whatever. But if you find a bug, you have to let me know, no matter what your desires are.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 5466
Best Total: 13m 24s
Posted - 2013.08.23 18:13:33
After a dozen or so puzzles, my impressions:

   Visually it is pleasing to  the eye, numbers are clear and bold  enough and borders are sharp but smooth. I would set the surrounding space a bit darker to get more contrast.Also, it looks like every other vertical line is a little bolder than the adjacent.

   Level of difficulty in smaller (< 100 squares) ones doesn't vary
much. All are quite easy. In bigger ones , they start to get harder.

   It doesn't allow numbers from the right side of the keyboard, only from the topline ( and the numlock is ON )

All in all, a very nice one . Thanks for sharing
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3329
Best Total: 9m 56s
Posted - 2013.12.09 06:19:23
Alright, this is definitely my last non-slitherlink related post. I've been working on my Kakuro-based website, and now I've got a creatively named domain: Kakuro-Online. It's got a daily kakuro puzzle contest thing similar to the great one we have here for slitherlink. (Thanks foilman!) Now's your chance to get first place on the leaderboards while I figure out how to attract members!

Thanks to some changes with the new version of Java I've totally removed their technology from my site. No more applets or any of that stuff. The front-facing interface is still the same, though.

That also means that if anyone is using the slitherlink generator I've posted that it will stop working sometime in the next few months. Unless someone wants to spring for a security certificate for my applet? Anyway, I'll probably recode it with Javascript or something like I did with the Kakuro stuff to make it more user-friendly, but that might not be for a while. So enjoy it before it goes away! You guys can use Tilps' (I think)  LoopDeLoop web thing as soon as, but not sooner than, mine stops working.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6423
Best Total: 13m 6s
Posted - 2013.12.10 17:02:48
Great work. I love Kakuro almost as much as KwontomLoop.
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