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Better Leaderboard
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.07.04 10:29:15
What do you think about an idea that the main leaderboard is recomputed once a day (just before new puzzle appears) ?

With the current leader board is is hard to asses your position mid-day because there are many people that did not yet solve today's puzzle.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 761
Best Total: 45m 59s
Posted - 2013.07.04 13:57:21
Or, perhaps, yesterday's final leaderboard is captured and available the next day as well as the current one, so one can see where one ended up.  For those of us where the "next day" happens at 8pm local time, I often don't get to computer until afterwards, so I see more of a "last 6 days" leaderboard then a "last 7 days".
Last edited by LoopGuy - 2013.07.04 13:58:07
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3625
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2013.07.05 10:19:59
It's not a bad idea to have some kind of record of what the leaderboard used to look like; an archive could be created each time a new puzzle is published. It may happen, if I get any time to work on the site!
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.07.08 15:17:01
That would be great !
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.07.08 15:17:51
Is there any way to motivate you ?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 761
Best Total: 45m 59s
Posted - 2013.07.09 00:06:52
Speaking as another computer programmer, if you could create about 8 extra hours in his day...

I was going to offer to do it for him, but I'm pretty much in the same boat myself.  On the other hand, I don't seem to be getting any faster, and I'd love a yesterday leaderboard, so if you want help, email me and I'll take some time off from solving problems to work on the site.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3625
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2013.07.09 20:46:12
It's not so much a question of motivation as available time. But I had a spare half hour just now, so I've changed things behind the scenes so the leaderboard should be archived each day just before the new puzzle goes up.

Nothing to see yet, but it should be archiving for when I add a page to view it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.07.09 21:17:26
+1 !
I have no idea why this excites my so much

Do you also archive the standings of single puzzles?
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3625
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2013.07.10 13:18:44
You can now see archived leaderboards via the Archives - there is only one day available currently, as I only implemented the archiving yesterday.

And no, scores for a single puzzle are not archived.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.07.10 13:57:25
That's great, big thanks.
But the link location is a bit obscure, few people look in recent Archives.

How about putting the link just below "Complete Leaderboard" with label
"Yesterday Leaderboard"?
Last edited by Koszmarny - 2013.07.10 13:58:33
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1200
Best Total: 25m 13s
Posted - 2013.07.11 21:59:24
Too many chefs spoil the broth, but, nonetheless, here are a few thoughts:
- Having the archived leaderboards obscure might be a good thing as it encourages one to focus on recent events
- Adding a link as Koszmarny suggested could be good IN ADDITION to the archived links. This link under the leaderboard would only be to the previous day's leaderboard.
- Currently, the archived leaderboards can be viewed by anyone even if the person is not logged in. I would go so far as to call this a bug.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3625
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2013.07.12 10:56:24
Originally Posted by PoPPiNFresh
Too many chefs spoil the broth, but, nonetheless, here are a few thoughts:
- Having the archived leaderboards obscure might be a good thing as it encourages one to focus on recent events
- Adding a link as Koszmarny suggested could be good IN ADDITION to the archived links. This link under the leaderboard would only be to the previous day's leaderboard.
- Currently, the archived leaderboards can be viewed by anyone even if the person is not logged in. I would go so far as to call this a bug.
I think I agree with what you're saying; a link to the most recent archived leaderboard would be handy on the main leaderboard page, but the rest can stay in the archives as the current leaderboard is really the main focus.

And I might go along with your suggestion of showing the archived leaderboards only to logged in users (except perhaps the previous day's).
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1200
Best Total: 25m 13s
Posted - 2013.07.12 23:08:28

It could be good for people without accounts to see YESTERDAY's leaderboard, but they wouldn't care to see ALL leaderboards. If the world (those without accounts) could see ALL leaderboards, then it seems that the purpose of the site is to preserve old performance in history vs just trying to play your best every day.

As for people with accounts, I now see that it is good for them to not have to log in to see YESTERDAY's leaderboard.
Last edited by PoPPiNFresh - 2013.07.12 23:09:08
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1894
Best Total: 21m 36s
Posted - 2013.08.01 06:43:58
First of all: the feature is great, I use it every day. Big thanks!

I think access to Leaderboard in Archives is fine. It is public knowledge after all.
I also learned to click through Archives to get to the latest leaderboard.
But it is a bit unnatural (latest leaderboard in archives) and cumbersome.

I would like to kindly ask again for a link to latest archival leaderboard in 'Leaderboard' tab, next to "Current leadeboard" link.

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