puzzlescot Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 3543 Best Total: 19m 5s | Posted - 2018.09.02 13:11:41 I can't see an immediate logical step. In these cases, I look for a placement (of line or cross) that looks to be the most restrictive, hoping to find a contradiction quickly to tell me that placement is definitely the opposite of what I tried.
Sometimes, the logic is too deep for a person to analyse. Whether you draw it down, or do it in your head, the only difference is time.
eg, by making the RHS of the 3 in R5C6 an 'x', this happens:
and a solution falls out. It can help a lot to keep track of which cells are inside or outside the loop. eg, If you have 2 cells that are known to be outside the loop, and there's a 3 between them, you know it's inside the loop, and can draw 2 lines. |