MondSemmel Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6159 Best Total: 7m 47s | Posted - 2020.11.25 13:27:37 Welcome! 
A few thoughts.
On making mistakes:
1) First of all, mistakes are inevitable and universal. Personally, I click fast but also make lots of misclicks every puzzle; and very occasionally, I overlook one. 2) And conversely, some of the grids in the Variations puzzles are still unintuitive to me, so I mis-apply patterns. In a recent puzzle, I screwed up so often that I took longer for that one puzzle than I usually take for most of the week. 3) Maybe you're mis-applying patterns yourself, i.e. you make deductions that aren't actually logically valid. But you don't know which of your actions are mistakes. Which brings us to:
On dealing with mistakes: 4) Make sure you're solving the puzzles at a comfortable screen resolution. The default size of the puzzles is really small, but you can zoom in most browsers by holding CTRL plus + or plus mouse wheel. 5) Practice solving puzzles which have a solution available. If you make a mistake, compare your current state to the actual solution. For example, over the years I've recorded myself solving a few dozen puzzles on Youtube. You can try solving one of those puzzles yourself (they're all accessible via the Archives button on, and if you get stuck or make a mistake, you can check out the corresponding video. Or if you just need a solution without a step-by-step illustration, every old puzzle in the Archives has a link to the corresponding solution. 6) Check out this collection of tips. 7) On this site, there's also a cute feature called Kwon-Tom Wrong, which might be helpful to practice fixing mistakes: Whenever you solve a puzzle, you can choose "Do you want to go Kwon-Tom Wrong". If you do, one number in the puzzle is replaced, which makes your solution incorrect, and you have to find a new solution.
Last edited by MondSemmel - 2020.11.25 13:31:31 |