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Problem uploading in Loopy format
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 355
Best Total: 2h 56m 10s
Posted - 2022.01.15 12:07:28
I would like to upload Loopy-format problems I have created, but at the moment cannot even upload problems created by Loopy itself.  For example, this is a 5x3 problem created, solved and saved by Loopy.  When I try to upload it I get a message that it does not contain a solution.

SAVEFILE:41:Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
GAME    :5:Loopy
PARAMS  :7:5x3t0de
CPARAMS :7:5x3t0de
SEED    :15:474645126827986
DESC    :11:a232021e3a3
SOLVE   :105:S0n1n2y3n4n5y6y7y8y9n10n11n12y13n14n15n16n17n18y19n20n21n22y23y24n25n26y27n28y29y30y31y32y33n34n35y36y37y

When I reload the created-but-unsolved problem and solve it by hand I get the below, which records the solution as a sequence of moves.  Uploading this version does not give an error message, but instead takes me to the blank 10x10 form for manual problem entry.  Solving both by Loopy and by hand does not help either.  Line ends are <CR><LF>, no other control characters.  Any apparent line break in "SOLVE   :105" has been added by the forum.


SAVEFILE:41:Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
GAME    :5:Loopy
PARAMS  :7:5x3t0de
CPARAMS :7:5x3t0de
SEED    :15:474645126827986
DESC    :11:a232021e3a3
MOVE    :2:8y
MOVE    :3:12y
MOVE    :3:23y
MOVE    :3:36y
MOVE    :3:37y
MOVE    :3:26y
MOVE    :3:35y
MOVE    :3:22y
MOVE    :3:30y
MOVE    :2:7y
MOVE    :2:5y
MOVE    :2:6y
MOVE    :2:2y
MOVE    :3:18y
MOVE    :3:29y
MOVE    :3:28y
MOVE    :3:31y
MOVE    :3:32y
Last edited by Slithy - 2022.01.15 12:11:53
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6159
Best Total: 7m 47s
Posted - 2022.01.16 09:53:14
Can confirm that this doesn't work for me, either. Uploading any loopy save file, either from an old loopy version or from the most recent version, just loads the default empty 10x10 grid.
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3503
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2022.01.16 21:07:12
Looks like there was a bug, obviously not something anyone's tried to do for a while! Hopefully it's fixed and working again now.
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 355
Best Total: 2h 56m 10s
Posted - 2022.01.17 16:18:59
Originally Posted by foilman
Hopefully it's fixed and working again now.

Thanks!  I'll give it a go.

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