generic slither link app? |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2009.12.12 15:21:50 It appears nested guess is broken.
I'll take a look at it later. In the mean time don't use it 
If you are after really really difficulty problems, just use the full solver. The full solver doesn't make harder problems if you turn nested guess on (even when nested guess is working).
Edit: Found the bug, an improvement I added a few months back to speed up the generation process was not quite correctly coded for nested guess logic. Resulted in an accidental highlander logic being used. It'll be fixed in the next release, although I'm not sure when that will be.
Last edited by Tilps - 2009.12.12 15:39:21 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2010.05.29 13:29:22 Just in case anyone wants to try it, I have uploaded my current proof of concept Silverlight version of LoopDeLoop.
Currently it just shows a 10x10 puzzle of moderately interesting but probably not very difficult nature. If you solve it it loads another one. Ctrl-z to undo. Supports left and right clicks and drag filling.
Edit: I updated it a bit more, ctrl-y to redo - ctrl-F to fix position, ctrl-R to revert to fix and unfix (cause I couldn't be bothered adding unfix as well just yet). I also added some options at the top of the page.
Edit again: added ctrl-U for unfix, and made ctrl-R a more traditional revert. Also made fix/unfix operations part of the undo-tree.
And again: New version displays progress bar while its generating a puzzle, lets you select from 4 difficulty 'levels' and has a clock timer.
Btw silverlight is supposed to work on Mac - and moonlight on linux, although I am not sure how complete their silverlight 4 compatibility is.
And again: A few more tweaks - added a different keyboard shortcut for revert to fixed, because ctrl-R is already used in IE for reload page. A couple more difficulty levels below 'easyish' which are actually easy. I added buttons on the right hand side for if keyboard shortcuts bother you...
Last edited by Tilps - 2010.05.31 10:53:30 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.12 13:08:34 Its been a while since my last update here, but its beginning to be pretty much impossible to use Silverlight anymore. So I have started migrating to html5+javascript using a tool called
Generation is quite a bit slower and is currently blocking the UI thread with no progress bar, but I have a working 'first edition' - its got most of the features of the silverlight version, not anywhere close to the full version of course. If you are truly crazy you can even use it on a phone/tablet. Phone is far too small for my fingers but even on a tablet I don't yet have proper touch even support, so you can't tap-drag to draw lines, and drawing crosses requires two taps.
Play here
Once I've got this a bit more refined I'll be doing the same conversion for TwistNTurn. |
Zyntax Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6604 Best Total: 13m 6s | Posted - 2017.06.12 15:11:06 Gave this a quick try...
Big issue I've noticed (this is in Chrome on my desktop): I tried the 10x10 square, and on the Moderate+ puzzles, when I get close to solving it (like 2-3 segments left to place), it freezes (the clock even freezes) for several seconds (feels like 10 seconds sometimes) when I place each segment. The first time I did this, I didn't even realize it froze and I was clicking in different areas thinking my mouse was broken- when it unfroze it recorded all of the extra clicks I was doing while it was frozen. The freeze is barely there on the easy puzzles so I'm guessing you have code that's checking for a solution when it get's close to being solved?
Other than that I like the click interface. Nice and smooth. I would suggest making the clicked segments much bolder as I have trouble seeing the solution against the unsolved portion.
Last edited by Zyntax - 2017.06.12 15:11:54 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.12 21:57:57 The clicks being slow is triggered when all numbers have the right number of edges - the further away from being actually solved you are at that point, the worse it will be. This is an unfortunate side effect of the slower javascript - but its one I could mostly fix by also checking if all intersections are satisfied, not just the numbers, which should be a very quick fix I can hack-in tonight sometime. I also hope I can do some performance profiling and find where the javascript is being slow, since end clicks are just evidence of how slow generation is as well - but that will be a bigger effort.
Bolder lines is actually wider lines - and its something I'll definitely be considering - its something the full app turns on by default when you enable edge coloring - which is not implemented in this version.
Last edited by Tilps - 2017.06.12 21:59:01 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.13 13:05:59 Put in the quick hack to make it cheaper to click before the puzzle has all numbers satisfied with close loops. (There might still be a problem if you have multiple closed loops which satisfy all numbers and need to fix it. But that scenario should be pretty rare I hope!)
Also increased line thickness for filled edges. |
Authority Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 3329 Best Total: 9m 56s | Posted - 2017.06.14 04:35:54 Looks like you ran into the same deprecation problem I did when I made my slitherlink program in Java! I ended up straight-up recoding the whole thing in the end, since I couldn't get any sort of Java-to-javascript solution working. The web has really moved away from plugin-based apps. Glad to see you aren't giving up on this! It's looking good so far, though as you said the generation times are pretty long. Hope to see the masyu one back up soon as well; I was hankering for some Tilps-style masyus but it looks like Silverlight (like Java) has been mostly banished from all the major browsers.
I don't know how much control you have over the javascript, but I used web-workers to prevent the annoying UI freezeups, and they work great. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.14 09:42:22 Yeah web workers is my next adventure - their support isn't particularly well built in, but I think I can hack it together a bit. Shouldn't be too difficult.
Performance wise I see some possible low hanging fruit - not sure how easy they are to convince to make on my behalf though... |
barncat Kwon-Tom Fan Puzzles: 12 | Posted - 2017.06.15 01:35:13 This is a Slitherlink app that I wrote: It uses Simon Tatham's generator, but will also accept puzzle codes. (I did extra work to make the manual entry of lengthy puzzle codes more efficient.) It features undo and redo with bookmarks and unlimited fixed positions. Puzzles can be saved to local storage (no cookies are used). It can also generate a link to a puzzle that includes the entire history and the current position in the history. So, for example, a link can be sent with a problem to be solved, and the solution can be viewed with a key stroke or mouse click. This is a link to a tough spot (for me) in a recent Wednesday Kwon-Tom puzzle. (I never was able to deduce the next move, I got lucky guessing the rest of the solution.) There are three different displays available, one of which is similar to Kwon-Tom's, and another to Simon Tatham's (visible grid, which to me seems best when looking for closed regions). It's possible to switch displays while solving a puzzle.
Finally, the app also contains an integrated solver that can be invoked as needed while solving a puzzle, or set to execute automatically after each mouse click or drag. It's pretty basic, but at full strength it solves 95% of Tatham's 10x10 Hard puzzles (which are somewhere between Kwon-Tom's Easy and Medium). It won't be of much use to the players here, except maybe if someone wanted to know if a particular puzzle could be solved by basic strategies alone. There are various settings for the solver and other things, and the app is thoroughly documented (click the Slitherlink button). Thanks for reading. Foilman - thanks for this beautiful site.
Last edited by barncat - 2017.06.16 15:27:50 |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.16 11:15:53 Web workers are now done for generation. Doesn't make it any faster, but at least it won't hang the entire window anymore - and you get a nice progress bar. |
Tilps Kwon-Tom Obsessive Puzzles: 6798 Best Total: 18m 37s | Posted - 2017.06.20 12:41:48 Put in a bunch of performance optimisations for the version of LoopDeLoop (also TwistNTurn). Still not incredible, but its considerably better than it was. |