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Club 49
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 555
Best Total: 42m 58s
Posted - 2006.10.28 15:34:53
I looked everywhere for the Club 49 topic and couldn't find it.  So here it is.

Woohoo.  Finally made it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3496
Best Total: 29m 51s
Posted - 2006.10.29 00:32:16
Me Too.....I made Club49 last week...until today. Now I've just made CLUB39....Woohooooooo....

Cheers All...
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1120
Best Total: 30m 3s
Posted - 2006.10.29 07:37:55
Me too. Entered Club 59 just 2 days back. This seems to be an easy week.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1233
Best Total: 27m 9s
Posted - 2006.10.29 17:12:41
I'm just gonna ignore the fact that this may be the easiest week ever, as evidenced by everyone else also breaking multiple barriers, and revel in Club-49-ness, five days after joining Club 59.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6603
Best Total: 18m 37s
Posted - 2006.11.22 08:13:39
49 for me finally ... 39 seems like a long way to go...
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 325
Best Total: 23m 39s
Posted - 2006.11.24 06:13:45
I finished today's puzzle and got a welcome surprize:*** Welcome To Club 49! ***

Made it with 46:14 has taken almost all the archived puzzles to get here!
Kwon-Tom Admin
Puzzles: 3503
Best Total: 24m 6s
Posted - 2006.11.24 09:07:00
Originally Posted by gadget1903
I finished today's puzzle and got a welcome surprize:*** Welcome To Club 49! ***
Well done! I put in the welcome message yesterday, but you're the first to see it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1033
Best Total: 38m 17s
Posted - 2006.11.24 23:04:23
Originally Posted by foilman
Originally Posted by gadget1903
I finished today's puzzle and got a welcome surprize:*** Welcome To Club 49! ***
Well done! I put in the welcome message yesterday, but you're the first to see it.
Nice touch!  I hope I get to see a Club 39 welcome someday.  But first I'll have to get back into Clubs 59 and 49, ...
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1961
Best Total: 23m 55s
Posted - 2006.12.13 15:02:50
Finally got back to club 49, but it's a little depressing when look at the leaderboard and you need to be in club 39 to get close to the top ten.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2006.12.13 16:10:40
I'm 31 seconds off... which is a bit of a bugger. Supposed to be out drinking tonight but I might take it easy so I can have a chance of joing the club.

That's terribly sad isn't it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 6120
Best Total: 13m 30s
Posted - 2006.12.13 16:25:42
Particularly when you could just do the puzzle once you'd recovered
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2006.12.13 16:27:59
Work avoidance tactics; I always do the puzzles mid morning. You're right though, it would make more sense.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2006.12.14 09:25:47
Unmitigated disaster - took me three goes to do the puzzle and it's made my headache even worse... should have waited
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2007.01.15 13:13:47
Ah, finally! Been trying for ages for this and I've just cruised it
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2007.01.15 13:20:22
Originally Posted by sam
Ah, finally! Been trying for ages for this and I've just cruised it

Nice one.

Me too.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2007.01.15 14:35:33
Yeah, I saw that. I don't think I could click every line in the solution in 47s without practice. It's not normal...
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2007.01.15 14:54:14
Originally Posted by sam
Yeah, I saw that. I don't think I could click every line in the solution in 47s without practice. It's not normal...

When I go that fast, I'm not actually conscious of where I'm clicking; I leave my hand to do that on auto-pilot while my brain is a few steps ahead solving the next part of the puzzle. Happily, if my brain gets far enough ahead, it can reorder the list of clicks I'm yet to make so that my hand doesn't have to travel as far.

But I can't will my mind into this state, it just happens occassionally. Shame, because I click far more accurately when that happens and don't have to go back and fix clicking errors. Or perhaps I can only work like that on days when my clicking is bang-on.

I wonder if anyone else feels themselves doing that?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2250
Best Total: 24m 39s
Posted - 2007.01.15 15:04:02
I've never been far enough ahead of myself to adjust the clicking order to minimise the distance I have to move - you must be in some sort of zen trance! The nearest I get to that is when I'm filling in a pattern I'm used to and I try and work out which lead to follow next - it's usually instinctive rather than calculated in my case.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2699
Best Total: 23m 15s
Posted - 2007.01.16 20:33:14
Yeah... No idea what you're goin' for there. But I belong in this club now!! I think we should have a club house and a secret hand shake and a bar and a butler and no 39ers and 19ers (procrastinator) can come in.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2007.01.17 03:32:38
Originally Posted by nerdking
I think we should have a club house and a secret hand shake and a bar and a butler and no 39ers and 19ers (procrastinator) can come in.

If there's a bar just try and stop me.
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