Saturday, 27th July 2024
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Club 49
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2486
Best Total: 29m 22s
Posted - 2009.05.23 12:49:46
Digging up an old thread but just wanted to celebrate my arrival into this club, even last week i thought club 59 would be a long way off still and now in club 49!
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 701
Best Total: 30m 54s
Posted - 2011.09.19 10:55:53
Woohoo - managed to reach Club49 - digging for the next
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 2066
Best Total: 20m 50s
Posted - 2011.09.19 11:44:41
Congrats!  You'll get there sooner than you think...
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 701
Best Total: 30m 54s
Posted - 2011.12.15 13:47:28
Originally Posted by jean
Congrats!  You'll get there sooner than you think...
Seems so - only 19 secs left - lokking forward to an easy one tomorrow then I'll manage
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 785
Best Total: 28m 19s
Posted - 2012.04.04 08:04:07
Made it quicker than I expected
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 546
Best Total: 33m 12s
Posted - 2012.04.25 00:06:53
Me too. Finally made it.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 761
Best Total: 45m 59s
Posted - 2013.07.28 09:00:18
Two days after joining club 59, I'm already in club 49 with a 49.33.  388 daily puzzles solved, 684 archive puzzles solved.
Last edited by LoopGuy - 2013.07.28 09:00:45
Kwon-Tom Addict
Puzzles: 112
Best Total: 37m 23s
Posted - 2014.02.21 10:17:43
Incredible. I joined the 59 club 6 days ago, but now I'm already in the 49 club. 67 daily puzzles solved and 205 puzzles in the archives.
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