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Club 59
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2006.03.26 13:44:01
I don't think I've seen a leaderboard with every score below an hour before today. In fact when drnull gets around to this weekend's puzzles, someone may well get under an hour and still not make the list. Congratulations, everyone.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1302
Best Total: 31m 39s
Posted - 2006.03.27 01:42:04
That's exactly what happened to me.  Not so long ago I was still #4 on the leaderboard with 58 minutes (before the Monday puzzle), then I got wiped off by people scoring under 56 minutes.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 607
Best Total: 16m 43s
Posted - 2006.03.27 04:18:52
I'm just still surprised i made it under an hour:)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3706
Best Total: 24m 43s
Posted - 2006.05.21 02:29:44
I'm finally a club member!!!  Question is, how long can I stay one.:-}
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 607
Best Total: 16m 43s
Posted - 2006.05.21 07:04:19
hehe i got kicked out
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1293
Best Total: 20m 57s
Posted - 2006.05.21 11:39:51
hey guys I'm kinda new. what exactly is clup 59?
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3258
Best Total: 13m 42s
Posted - 2006.05.21 13:05:27
Originally Posted by mathmaniac
hey guys I'm kinda new. what exactly is clup 59?

It's a club whose members have a total weekly time of less than 1 hour.

Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1293
Best Total: 20m 57s
Posted - 2006.05.22 00:27:53
Right thanks!
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1397
Best Total: 17m 32s
Posted - 2006.07.22 22:20:48
Originally Posted by procrastinator
I don't think I've seen a leaderboard with every score below an hour before today. In fact when drnull gets around to this weekend's puzzles, someone may well get under an hour and still not make the list. Congratulations, everyone.

Four months ago, we had our first top ten consisting of club 59-ers.  Today the club does not even guarantee a top 20 position!  It is amazing how quick the times decrease, not only of the ones that are able to break the best ever champions total. Again, congratulations everyone.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1240
Best Total: 27m 9s
Posted - 2006.07.26 07:20:56

For the second time this week I've had an important call come through right when I'm doing the daily puzzle!  And this coming after my best times ever for Sat and Sun and most likely chance of getting into Club 59.
The Gods of Kwontom Loop are punishing me.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 555
Best Total: 42m 58s
Posted - 2006.08.01 14:24:49
I think I better post now because I'll never make it to the club 59.  But I am at 1 hour 8 minutes.  I've done a billion puzzles and I think this is the closest I'll get.  HOORAY!  I just have to put every "x" in.  I can't resist them.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2006.08.01 16:17:29
Originally Posted by acorn
I think I better post now because I'll never make it to the club 59.  But I am at 1 hour 8 minutes.  I've done a billion puzzles and I think this is the closest I'll get.

Of course you will if you've got that close already. You've done about as many daily puzzles as I have, and I know I can still improve by at least 15%, so you're bound to get there, especially since other weeks will be easier than this one. The forum is littered with these kinds of pessimistic prognostications, and one by one they've all proven false.

Originally Posted by acorn

I just have to put every "x" in.  I can't resist them.

I wouldn't worry about Xes until you're under about fourty minutes. I still only find them worth leaving out entirely for the very easiest puzzles - say under 1:25/5:45. There are plenty of other patterns, techniques and strategies to learn before you need to worry about that.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3258
Best Total: 13m 42s
Posted - 2006.08.01 16:35:26
Originally Posted by procrastinator
Originally Posted by acorn
I think I better post now because I'll never make it to the club 59.  But I am at 1 hour 8 minutes.  I've done a billion puzzles and I think this is the closest I'll get.

Of course you will if you've got that close already.

Exactly.  I'm sure you'll get under an hour eventually.

Originally Posted by procrastinator
Originally Posted by acorn

I just have to put every "x" in.  I can't resist them.

I wouldn't worry about Xes until you're under about fourty minutes. I still only find them worth leaving out entirely for the very easiest puzzles - say under 1:25/5:45. There are plenty of other patterns, techniques and strategies to learn before you need to worry about that.

I really need to stop using them though, otherwise the 15%-improved Procrastinator will start wiping the floor with me!
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1033
Best Total: 38m 17s
Posted - 2006.08.23 04:24:31
Almost made club 59 today, but a crappy 13 minute time killed it.  I got to redo the puzzle twice   Post study found the patterns I needed to see to get a 4 minute time for club 59 today.

I also hit the epidemic slump 2 and 3 weeks ago, then last week was looking OK.  Guess I need to relax better

Oh well, this is my first foray into club 69.  That'll have to do for now.
Last edited by PuzzleLover - 2006.08.23 04:26:32
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 555
Best Total: 42m 58s
Posted - 2006.08.23 14:37:46
Everyone's predictions that I would make it to club 59 have proven true.  56 minutes.  Thank you all!

The only obvious things I do different now is that before I would try fix position over and over until it proved something wrong.  Now I will let me intuition go for it. (I still use fix position for the obvious patterns).  It kind of seems like cheating to me as I prefer obvious logic but it seems to be working.  I find very few problems that I can solve using just the patterns.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1240
Best Total: 27m 9s
Posted - 2006.08.26 13:03:00
I can always tell which puzzles I'm going to go really badly on. They're the ones I'd have to really screw up to not get into Club 59.
Yesterday I was 27 seconds off Club 59. Today I only had to finish within 18 mins to get in, and it took me ~40mins after having to restart twice.  More haste, less speed
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1083
Best Total: 12m 56s
Posted - 2006.08.26 14:28:38
Originally Posted by jamin
I can always tell which puzzles I'm going to go really badly on. They're the ones I'd have to really screw up to not get into Club 59.
Yesterday I was 27 seconds off Club 59. Today I only had to finish within 18 mins to get in, and it took me ~40mins after having to restart twice.  More haste, less speed

I feel your pain, Bo. I only had to get less than double the winning time on Friday to make Club 19, but buggered it up and had to restart - I still can't work out where I went wrong, there just doesn't seem to be anywhere you can mess up.
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 1033
Best Total: 38m 17s
Posted - 2006.09.17 01:55:35
Woo hoo!  Finally made club 59!  (after 184 current puzzles solved)
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 3496
Best Total: 29m 51s
Posted - 2006.09.17 04:14:50 TOOOOooooooo........
Kwon-Tom Obsessive
Puzzles: 607
Best Total: 16m 43s
Posted - 2006.09.17 06:45:09
Well done people!
(I'm about a minute of my own PB so im pretty proud too)
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